Facebook not working on XP-based KIOSK (messec website shows instead)
This articles applies to Windows XP-based KIOSKs only, both KG1.x and KG2.x KIOSKs (PT6000, PT7000, PT7000EX).
Symptom(s) : When trying to use the Facebook source, it opens up the www.messec.net website instead. If you try to open https://www.facebook.com/ manually with Internet Explorer, you may be warned of an invalid security certificate.
Cause : Outdated security certificates.
Solution :
- Make sure you are running the latest KIOSKGift version.
- Download the latest root certificate updates from microsoft. On this moment, these are the latest : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42092 .
- Execute this file. You will not see any progress during installation, it is immediately installed.
The Facebook source should now immediately work again.