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KioskGifts new SW Release v3.1

By February 23, 2017February 10th, 2022No Comments




A new version of the KioskGifts software is available at messec. To download it click here

What’s new on SW version 3.1?

The new SW KioskGifts 3.1 Version includes now:

-Smart Phone Cases customization line-up. New product line.
-EALBUMAXI1 (8×10) Album. New cover window position.
-Printmodule. Compatibility with new K60 media: K76R(HG)
-Facebook. Facebook graph API upgraded to version 2.8


Smart Phone Cases line up.

You’ll find available products for phone cover cases:

  • Small & medium size smartphone, based on 4×6” media.
  • Large smartphones and tablets, based on 6×8” media.

User can add a picture and enter text.

Available case backgrounds:
iPhone 5, 6, 6Plus, 7
Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, S6
Huawei P8


EALBUMAXI1 8×10 cover.
Updated design of Album cover: the position of the central picture has been moved upwards.


Compatibility with new K60 media: K76R(HG). Printmodule now supports both the old and new media.
Settings of CPG/ICC must be manually checked