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PhotoPrintMe in Kiosk

By July 17, 2020No Comments

Dear all,

PhotoPrintMe in Kiosk is here! These are the steps to activate it:

1- Buy your PPMKIOSK Box in your desired language

505908    PPMKIOSK-ES
505909    PPMKIOSK-PT
505910    PPMKIOSK-EN
505911    PPMKIOSK-DE
505932    PPMKIOSK-IT
505933    PPMKIOSK-FR
505981    PPMKIOSK-NL
505992    PPMKIOSK-SE
505993    PPMKIOSK-FI

2- Follow the instructions in the welcome letter that you will find in the PPMKIOSK Box.

(Update Kioskgift software to v3.6.0 or higher)

Inside you will find all the required material to update your Kioskgift software.

You can follow this video that will guide you on how to update Kioskgift version.

3- Fill in online form to receive support. Click here to strat.

NOTE: To get the complete information on how to activate your kiosk and start using PhotprintMe, you can find the Operator Manual here
(You can easily find it by typing PhotoPrintMe in the search engine of the web)

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.

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